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ERS Elektronik Automation Machinery Electric Industry. And Trade. Ltd. Ltd.

Our company was established in 2009 as an R&D company. After completing many projects in the field of automation, it also started to provide services in the field of 'Quality Control Machines'. Our company, whose priority is always customer satisfaction, also designs product-specific machines in addition to standard models. It has cooperated with leading companies in sectors such as food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, plastics, cosmetics, chicken, meat and fish. Our machines, which operate at high speed and performance, produce in accordance with MID Standards (Measurement Instruments Directive 2014/32/UE) under the control of our expert engineer staff. Our goal is always to provide quality and technology to our country and to you, our valued business partners. We too are Gram Şaşmaz! We are rightfully proud of being a domestic producer, adding value to our country and existing abroad, on this path that we started by saying.